powerappsaudit | Bert Blevins | Power Apps Audit


20. Teams Sample Chatbot

This chatbot help in providing business process details for any application.

21. Mobile Responsive UI App

This app help in adding pictures, files for Inventory.

22. Calendar Events Webpart

This SPFx webpart displays all events in Calendar view, we can configure the events data source from different site collections and lists.

24. Export to CSV

This SPFx command set extension is useful to export list view as csv. This component will export the records that are selected and will export complex field types of Users, Multiuser, Multi Choice and date fields. This component will export columns that are there in current view only.

25. Using Drop Down as Person Picker in Power App

To provide the flexibility for end user to select the person from drop down control we have created dedicated SharePoint list with emails and First Name, Last Name. Drop down control shows First, Last names to select the person. We will save to person field in the back end using email id of the user.

26. PowerApps Custom connector to consume MS Graph API

We have created custom connector in Power Platform to consume MS Graph API. MS Graph API is used to leveraging data from almost all of the Microsoft cloud products e.g. Office 365, Azure Active Directory, OneNote etc. First we need to Register an app in Azure Active Directory that is authorized to use the Graph API. Next we will Create a Custom Connector in Power Platform environment (this custom connector will use the app registered in Azure Active Directory for authentication).

  • We have created new Azure app registration in Azure.
  • Added permissions for MS Graph to access Audit Logs then Provided Admin consent.
  • We have generated client id and secret for App registration
  • We have created custom connector in Power Platform (click on Data -> Custom Connectors -> New Custom Connector -> Create from blank).
  • For Host, put “graph.microsoft.com”
  • In the security step, choose authentication type as “OAuth 2.0”. Under OAuth options, provide following values:

Azure Active Directory

this is the client/ application id you noted down in the previous step of registering the app under Azure Active Directory

this is the client secret you created and noted down in the previous step of registering the app under Azure Active Directory


common (Leave as is)


Leave as is

No need to type anything.

  • Click on Action -> New Action. In the New Action
  • Summary: any summary you want for this action. I just said “GetUsers”
  • Description: any description you want for this action. I just said “GetUsers”
  • Operation ID: this is the actual action name you’ll use in your Power Apps app. I said “GetUsers”.

Under Request, click on “Import from Sample”. From the Graph API documentation and by playing around with Graph explorer, you’ll know what to put here for your specific API. For the API in this tutorial- “GetUsers”, following are the relevant values:

Verb: Get

Url: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users

Headers: <nothing- leave as is>

Click on “Import” button.

Use the Custom Connector in your Power Apps app

27. Secret Passphrase Approval

We have created new security layer for all Power app approvals using Secret Passphrase for all users. We have created new SharePoint list to store all passphrases for each user with encryption. Whenever user log in to app, user will be prompted to set up passphrase. We are using Power Automate (MS Flow) to encrypt the plain text cipher text.

28. Sign-In logs CSV

We have used Power automate to generate the Sign-In logs csv file.  This process follows below steps.

  1. Azure App Registration: This Azure App will authenticate us against MS Graph API. Below are the steps to create Azure App registration.
    1. We have created new Azure app registration in Azure portal.
    2. Added permissions for MS Graph to access Audit Logs then Provided Admin consent.
    3. We have generated client id and secret for App registration.

2. Generating Access token using Azure App client id and secret id.
3. Using above access token, we consumed MS Graph API to get Sign-In data, we called the MS Graph API recursively to fetch data for last 1 week.
4. We have parsed data in to JSON and added to Array.
5. We have generated CSV content from above data.
6. Removed if there is any existing file in SharePoint.
7. Created new file in SharePoint Document Library with above CSV content.